Accidents and safe workplace
A clear sign of shortcomings in the work environment are the accidents that occur. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute helps you in the work of preventing accidents and understanding what creates safe workplaces.
Accidents often have complex causes. We start from an HTO perspective (Human-Technology-Organization) when we analyze the cause of accidents occurring in the workplace. Man is important, but it is too simplistic to say that accidents are solely due to human error.
Knowledge and resources are needed to manage risks. In addition, technology is required that is as useful and safe as possible. There is also a need for an organization that supports safety and a safe way of working.
We therefore analyze both direct and indirect causes of accidents at work. and study how employees, managers and experts manage risks based on their understanding.
Hire IVL for:
- Analysis of the cause of accidents at work
- Measures to reduce the risk of accidents at work
- Analysis of risk management